Be involved as a Volunteer with Cardiac Skills Australia
Get involved as a volunteer with CSA by being one of our live cardiac models at the workshops. Our volunteers allow the delegates to practice their skills with real life patients like they would find in their place of work. Whether they return to a remote medical practice, Intensive Care, an Emergency department or an in-hospital team, you are directly adding to quality and effective future patient care.
What will the day look like?
Arrive in time to meet your cardiac sonographer, change into a modest robe and be shown your station. The delegates will rotate scanning stations in small groups and practice obtaining the windows of the heart. This will require you to lay on a bed, on your back or your left hand side. A water-based gel is applied to the probe and placed on your chest. There should not be anything more than slight discomfort at most.
You will have breaks throughout the day and a catered lunch is provided. Volunteers will also receive a gift card and certificate of participation. Volunteers are encouraged to bring a book to read in any breaks and can bring headphones or a device to listen to music, an audiobook, or even sleep.
Is this for me?
Some volunteers are part of a network giving back, some are medical students getting invaluable exposure to cardiac ultrasound and some are people who just have an interest in the heart and want a "heart check". While this is not a formal echo, we will require you to sign a consent form, and if any one of our highly trained team noted something of concern we would let you know and advise you to follow up with your Dr.