Cardiac Skills Australia specialises in focused echocardiography (cardiac ultrasound) training for medical specialists. Our training acknowledges the growing demand for 'point of care' ultrasound and its role as a fundamental tool for diagnostic evaluation.
Our workshops use a step-by-step approach to teach the skills necessary for performing diagnostic cardiac ultrasound. Tuition by experienced cardiac sonographers & clinicians; an emphasis on hands-on training; and small group settings (1:3 ratio), means that delegates walk away being able to confidently perform a basic focused echocardiography exam.

Amy Secomb BAppSc (Hons), PGDip Cardiac Ultrasound, AMS
Amy has worked for over 2 decades in the Health Care Industry, with 15 years at The Prince Charles Hospital performing complex echocardiograms, Indigenous cardiac outreach programs to rural QLD, and training Drs, staff, and students. She brings a wealth of knowledge, skills and experienced to CSA. She has been facilitating Focussed Cardiac Ultrasound workshops for Drs around Australia and New Zealand for 12 years. As the Director and Owner of Cardiac Skills Australia, teaching and educating Drs, staff and students in timely, quality and applicable echocardiography is something she is passionate about.
Medical Faculty
Dr Mark Rugless Emergency Specialist Epworth and St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne.
Dr Mark Rugless is an Australian trained Emergency Medicine Physician who has been a guest speaker with CSA since 2015. He is Clinical Lead in Ultrasound at Epworth Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne. He has previously spoken at the EMUGS conference in NSW, various courses in Melbourne and helps facilitate a weekly registrar TTE training program. He is a firm believer in the application of echocardiography in daily clinical practice and would feel lost without an ultrasound machine!
Dr Brian Doyle, FACEM CCPU.
Dr Brian Doyle is a USA trained Emergency specialist with over 20 years experience with performing and teaching Point-of-Care Ultrasound. He is enthusiastic about using POCUS to improve the overall care of patients. He has held various leadership roles over the years including Director of Emergency Ultrasound at the Royal Hobart Hospital. He has many other medical interests, but most of all gets a kick out of his clinical work.
Echo educators
The CSA educator team consists of a group of highly experienced, quality, and accredited cardiac sonographers. Our vetted team ensure CSA's high standards and care in teaching is always maintained. They bring their best to every workshop no matter the location.